- Every healthy uniformed player on the roster present at the game must play for an equal amount of time. Exhausted players should not be forced to continue playing.
- This does not include players being disciplined. If a coach is found to be in violation of the mandatory playing requirement he/she will be suspended.
- This playing requirement will also be in effect for all Playoff games.
- INFRACTIONS of the playing time policy will result in a warning for the 1st offense.
- If witnessed by a designated representative of OLOR Youth Sports, warning will consist of a verbal address to the coach during the contest in question. If the playing time issue is not addressed by the coach within this game, the representative will confer with the Director of Athletics and a forfeit of the game and suspension of the coach may result.
- If the first offense is not witnessed by a designated representative of OLOR Youth Sports, warning will consist of a verbal address to the coach via phone call. After the coach has received the warning, any subsequent verifiable offense of the playing time policy will result in a forfeit of the game for the team and suspension of the coach.
- A second verifiable offense of the playing time policy in the same sport season (including playoffs) will result in a forfeit of the game for the team, two game suspension of the coach.
- INFRACTIONS of the playing time policy will result in a warning for the 1st offense.
NOTE: A coach who is suspended from coaching a team by CYS is not eligible to be present as a fan for the next CYS event.